solid state training solution

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

According to a recent business study, half of all executive-level working log 50 or more hours per week at their job. Over 400 million business trips are taken each year and many executives are working more now than were five years ago. Everyone it seems, is asked to "do more with less," but there are no solutions to make this happen. There has never been a time more critical for leaders and teams to execute on their most important priorities.

At Solid State,

We understand that life gets busy, hectic, and chaotic. Our executive coaches help their clients work through the complex and unclear issues, helping executives establish initatives that are clear, defined, and simple. We offer team or one-on-one executive coaching in leadership development, strategy, goal execution, and personal development.

Executive Coaches Help Facilitate:

  • Clarifying goals and staying focused on key actions to achieve them.
  • Assessing leadership strengths, improvement areas, and performance opportunities.
  • Clarifying organizational mission, vision, values, and goals.
  • Clarifying and applying professional development and career planning.

Areas of Specialisation